Atolm2000's Panzer Dragoon Page 
   Last Edited - 8/23/00
   I am now going to college, as i mentioned on my main page.  I will not be bringing any of my gamesets; I will try and finish the walkthrough in the one week I have left before I fly out.
   A dying world, waiting to be reborn from its ashes.  A world where mankind's folly has destroyed him once, where the mistakes of the past are openly visible to learn from...or repeat.  This is the world of Panzer Dragoon, where the "Ancient Age" ended with the great bio-weapons spinning out of control, turning humans into scattered colonies, refugees on their own world. 
    A great Empire has arisen, trying to recreate the Ancient Age without thought for its mistakes; this Empire was born from the Seekers, a deceptively "disorganized" clan that wanders, collecting knowledge about the Ancient Age, seeking to learn from the mistakes of the Ancients.  And over it all, hope rides on dragon's wings. 
    The series has spanned two rail shooters, an RPG, and an anime movie.  And through it all, one dragon, a rogue bio-weapon, has devoted itself to protecting mankind from the killing machines of the Ancient Age. 
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    A Basic Chronology: 
    -The Ancient Age  Mankind develops awesome biotechnology, and gains control of the very forces of nature. 
    -The Fall  Mankind makes a fatal mistake; the Ancients develop a piece of biotech to surpass all others, the Towers and their control center; and create the dragons to protect it.  The Towers turn on them, destroying the Ancient Age.  All that is left are scattered survivors, ruins, and monsters. 
    -The Seekers Form   A long time after, some of the struggling humans band together, forming an order with one duty: to bring mankind back up to his fullest power, to free man from the mistakes of the Ancient Age, and to avoid repeating them.  They are highly organized, but quickly discover that the other humans-who believe the ruins to be left by the Gods-do not appreciate them.  They go into semi-secrecy, hiding their colonies.  They travel alone, only meeting occasionally, so that all the others will believe that they are scattered, harmless loners. 
    -The Empire is founded   A rogue Seeker decides to use the machinery of the Ancient Age to take back the world.  He grows power-hungry, and forgets his original mission.  This Seeker is the first Emperor.  He builds a capital and begins an airfleet of Ancient airships.  The Empire grows, and an academy for the study of the Ancient Age is founded.  It is decreed that all Ancient technology is the birthright of the Emperor and the Empire; the Seekers are shot on sight as thieves. 
    -Panzer Dragoon Zwei   In a border town, a mutant khourieat is born-one with wings and a mysterious glow in his throat.  This khourieat grows to what his owner, Lundi, believes is adulthood; while attempting to get Lagi to fly, Lundi watches helplessly as his hometown is destroyed by an Ancient airship, tailed by Imperial craft.  Lundi and Lagi arrive too late; the town is rubble, haunted by monsters.  He leaves to pursue the Empire.  After destroying a Black Fleet base and dealing a small blow to the Air Fleet, he discovers that the airship-Shelcoof-is his true enemy.  Lagi grows into a mighty dragon.  Together, they track down and sink Shelcoof. 
    -Lundi becomes a Seeker, and starts a journal so that all future riders of Lagi "the Heretic Dragon" will know of his history. 
    -Panzer Dragoon/Panzer Dragoon Movie   A careless Imperial Fleet attracts the attention of a sleeping Tower.  The D Type 02, the Tower's guardian, activates to reawaken it fully.  Lundi and Lagi (called "Blau" in the movie) mobilize to destroy it.  However, the D Type 02 proves to be deceptively powerful, as it kills Lundi and leaves Lagi riderless.  Meanwhile, a pair of Hunters and a lady companion, Alyta, are passing below; the battle quickly carries over to them.  The D Type 02 chooses the blind Alyta, who has a special connection to the monsters, to bond with, then kills one of the hunters.  The other hunter, Kyle, partially bonds with Lagi and goes off to stop the Black Dragon and rescue his lady.  Along the way, they wreck most of the Black Fleet.  Kyle and "Blau" defeat the D Type 02 and free Alyta, but not before the D Type 02 awakens the Tower.  Lagi sends the pair off and flies into the center of the Tower, destroying it but annihilating his physical body in the process. 
    -Kyle becomes a Seeker and picks up Lundi's journal; he notes that, while Lagi seems to have died, his spirit lives on, and is simply waiting for the perfect time to return, choose a new rider, and fulfill his purpose: to free mankind from the mistakes of the Ancients.  (I'm assuming this, since that's the only way the entry about Lagi attaining spirit form could have happened, seeing as how Lundi dies before that.) 
    -Panzer Dragoon Saga     The Black Fleet's new commander, Craymen, rebels against the Empire, stealing a newly discovered dragon and a strange specimen from a dig site.  While getting ahold of the mysterious ancient machinery- Azel- he makes an enemy: a boy named Edge, who seems to be killed in the ambush.  Edge is rescued from a group of monsters by Lagi, who bonds with Edge and takes him to finish Lagi's purpose.  Craymen and the Emperor enter into a race to find the central Tower, which connects to the astral control center for all of the Towers.  The Emperor seems to win, catching Craymen inside the Tower; however, Azel awakens the Tower, which immediately kills both leaders; Azel collapses.  Edge takes Azel out of the Tower, and with Lagi, barely escapes.  The Seekers help him discover his true destiny, and with Azel's aid, he destroys the control center, shutting down the Towers once and for all.  Mankind now has control of his own destiny once more, no longer shackled by past mistakes.  Azel and Edge are separated; Edge and Lagi are last seen rejoining the Seekers, and Azel is last seen travelling across the desert to find Edge.