Dragoon Fanfic
This page is very
much under construction, considering its current meager contents.
If you have a piece of good fanfic you'd like to see published, send it
to me and I'll try to post it here. I also accept fan art, although
that will be posted on the image page.
(As for a fairly
certain future posting-myself and two other PD fans, the Coverts, have
occasionally joked about novelizing Saga. I'll be having vacation
coming up, and when boredom sets in-as it invariably does-that will be
my next huge fan-stuff project. I'll post it as I work on it.)
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-Some Fanfic of my very own. At the
time I was working on this web page, it was all I had available.
Since this first went up, I've edited it for clarity and word choice.
By June 8, I'll have the "fan art" to go with it-the dragon Skiad.