-See the mysterious wreckage in Georgius?
That's Shelcoof, the ancient airship you chase through Panzer Dragoon Zwei.
-Where PD Zwei takes place: Opening:Village
of Cainus. Desert Level: The Garil Desert. Forest Level: The
Forest of Zoah, of course. You get to fight the worm-creatures in
Path 1. Tunnel Level: The Red+Blue Ruins. This explains
why there's not very many monsters left there in Saga. Blizzard Level:
Over northern Uru. Final two levels, inside and around Shelcoof:
the mountains north of Uru, now the Forbidden Zone and Georgius.
-Most of the bosses from Zwei are named in Saga.
The clawed creature from the forest is the Golia; you can pick up bits
of it in Saga, in the Red Ruins in the Forest of Zoah. The Sea Chicken
is called, quite simply, the Guardian. Also named are the Blizzard
boss, and the Guardian Dragon; when Sestren does its "Fusion" attack (i.e.,
something like "Fused Shellcoof"), it names what it's summoning.
The evil dragon from the first Panzer Dragoon is the D Type 02. The
blue dragon (normal class Solo Wing) is D Type 01.
-The town Lagi and Lundi are from in Zwei will
look familiar-it's the Village of Cainus. Boy, that place gets trashed
by monsters often.
-If you come back to the Excavation with a Light
or Solo Wing, you can destroy the fans that made up the wind net, and get
some unusual items.
-If you watch the production sketches over the
credits of Zwei, you'll see the gates of the Imperial base in the
Garil Desert. Look closely at the symbol right above the gates-it's
the insignia of the Black Fleet!
-For Panzer Dragoon veterans, all the classes
of the Solo Wing will be familiar. Normal is the dragon from PD One;
Spiritual is the evil dragon from PD1; Agility is the Sky Dart from Zwei;
Attack is the Glide Wing from Zwei; and Defense is the Brigade Wing from
-As mentioned before, there are some recurring
characters, either directly or obliquely. The Emperor and his Admiral
had a part in all three games. While Craymen was apparently not present
at the Garil Desert base when it was trashed, he was probably aware of
it. Gash comes in somewhere between Zwei and One. And, of course,
it's the same dragon in all three-Lagi.
-After your first bout with Grig Orig, check out
the letter Craymen leaves at Azel's side. He signs it "K. F. Craymen".
That makes his initials "K.F.C.". You can't tell me that wasn't intentional.
-If you've played the first Panzer Dragoon, you
know it's pretty vague on story. A Panzer Dragoon anime movie was
made covering that first game. If you want to understand what happened,
find the English translation in a video store-it's a big help. It's
short, but it explains the game nicely. (Just try to ignore Kyle's
voice-acting. It sounds like they yanked some poor random sap off
the street, shoved a script into his hand, pushed him into a sound booth,
and then told him to act.)
-The Black Fleet has been re-built twice before
this game. The first time was after Zwei, where Lagi and Lundi trash
its Garil Desert home base. The second time was after Panzer Dragoon,
when the dragon (against Kyle's wishes, according to the movie) destroys
the fleet in the air. The flagship has only been rebuilt once, after
the first game/the anime.
-The dragon actually does use his claws and teeth
in battle, although both are in the anime. The first is when Craymen's
predecessor, under the control of the Tower, attacks Kyle. This is
after Kyle pulls him out of the wreckage of the flagship. (Nice save,
Lagi!) The second is when the D Type 02, already defeated in the
dogfight, refuses to release Alyta and die.