No Good Can Come of This
 "Atolm and a car.  No good can come of this." -a paraphrase of my good friend, Jessie Kirkland, on seeing my skill (really lack thereof) at a driving game in an arcade.
    Last Updated 9/23/00
    These are bad combinations, things that No Good Can Come Of.  It started with me  and my Gamer pals getting very, very bored one hot day.  I must give credit to Donnel and David Covert, Gerhalt Claycomb, Jessie Kirkland, Nathan Hayes, Manolito Gallegos, and Geoffrey Reed for helping with this (Or tolerating the rest of us debating it!)  Don't worry Gerhalt, I'm adding the rest of yours.  Don't worry if you don't recognize all the references-my sources are somewhat scattered.  If you have any suggestions, e-mail them to me  at [email protected].

    1.  Red XIII (FFVII), a Bolt Armlet (FFVII), and a pikachu (pokemon).
            "It's delicious, nutritious, and it heals damage!"
    2.  Sephiroth (FFVII) and a lightsaber (Star Wars)
            When he says, "If you strike me down, I will only become more powerful.", he means it!
    3.  Cid (FFVII) and the Weatherlight (Magic:The Gathering)
            This expansion: The Weatherlight gets an overhaul!
    4.  Locke (FFIII) and the Legacy (Magic:The Gathering)
            To Karn: "So, you're supposed to protect these artifacts?  Okay, you come too."
    5.  Team Rocket (Pokemon) and Summon Materia (FFVII)
            "Bahamut ZERO, go!"
    6.  Yuffie (FFVII) and the Scorpion Clan (Legend of the Five Rings)
            Bayushi Yuffie- (-shudder-)
    7.  The Jurassic Park dinosaurs and the Barney Show
            "Dear PBS, My name is Jason Fox and I'm 10 years old.  After seeing 'Jurassic Park', I'm more convinced than ever - Barney should be eating those kids."-Fox Trot, Bill Amend    Guess what, Jason-you get your wish.
    8.  Yuffie (FFVII) and Locke (FFIII)
            No one's possessions are safe!
    9.  Technocracy (Mage:The Ascension) and Mulder (X-Files)
            HIT Mark, holding very large gun, to Mulder: "Y ou want the truth?  This is the truth."
    10.  Elena (FFVII) and Team Rocket (Pokemon)
            Team Rocket, now more pathetic than ever!  Not only do they fail at everything, but now their opponents always know what they're up to before they even st art!
    11.  Rika (Phantasy Star IV) and Vulpix (Pokemon)
            "Oh, how cute!" -FWOOSH- "owww....."
    12.  Cait Sith (FFVII) and the Bart Simpson Megaphone Trick (Simpsons)
            "HIIIIIIIII  GUUUYYYYSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
   13.Setzer (FFIII) and Cait Sith (FFVII)
               One was the inspiration for the other.  How bad can you get?
    14.   Tinker Gnome (Dragonlance) and an Iteration X Lab (Mage: The Ascension)
                "You know, those HIT Marks could use some rubber bands and little dingling bells..."
    15.  Rune (Phantasy Star IV) and Gary (Pokemon)
                The egos would be so thick, you wouldn't even be able to breathe!
    16.  Sephiroth (FFVII) and Mewtwo (Pokemon)
                ONE super-powerful bioengineered terror that hates humans is bad enough, but TWO....
    17.  The Wyrm (Werewolf:The Apocalypse) and the Black Materia (FFVII)
                And all these years, Wyrmy's been creating Fomori and monsters, when all it had to do destroy the world was activate a little black crystal.
    18.  Moogle (FFIII) and a Noisy Cricket (Men In Black)
                "KupUUUUU!!!!!!!!!"  -BOOM!!!-
    19.  Misty (Pokemon) and the Midgar Zolom (FFVII)
                "Guys, check out my new water pokemon!"  "Ummm, Misty, I don't think that's a pokemon..."
    20.  Hojo (FFVII) and a Progenitor Lab (Mage: The Ascension)
                Now, his vicious failures will be even more spectacular!
    21. Mulder (X-Files) and the MIB (guess.)
                "Now, Mr. Mulder, we'd just like you to look into this for one second..."
    22.  Team Rocket (Pokemon) and Quark (Deep Space Nine)
                "There may be one born every minute, but suckers of this caliber are only born once a century.  How could I not take advantage of them?"
    23.  Kefka (FFIII) and the Tower (Panzer Dragoon Saga)
                "Now THIS is a base!"
    24.  Jigglypuff (Pokemon) and Freddy Kreuger (Nightmare on Elm Street)
                "Don't fall asleep...don't fall asleep....huh?"  *Singing*"Jigg-ul- leee puff, jigg ileeepuf.  Puff?  PUFFF!"  "ZZZZZZZ...."  See?  Jigglypuff really is evil incarnate.
    25.  Gourry (Slayers) and any Jedi (Star Wars)
                "Huh?  How'd there get to be so many Swords of Light?  And they make  those wierd humming, sparking noises too..."
    26.  The Ten Wise Men (Star Ocean 2) and the Black Materia (FFVII)
                Lessee...if it weren't for Rena's pendant, it would've  taken the Sorcery Globe 100 years  to smack Nede into Expel.  The Black Materia's usual schedule: Two Weeks.  Bye-bye, little planet....  (Oh, and what is it with Japanese RPGs and large space rocks smacking into planets?)
    27.  Xelloss (Slayers) and The Syndicate (X-Files)
              The Syndicate: "Confuse, Enveigle, and Obfuscate".  Xelloss:  "That is a secret."  Mulder's worst nightmare.  (And, knowing how powerful Xelloss is, I'd say he could keep Mulder under control...)
    28.  The Queen Emeraldas (Queen Emeraldas  PS-THE SHIP STUPID!) and Setzer (FFVI)
             "Who needs an airship?"
    29.  Red Priest Rezo (Slayers) and a Scyther (Pokemon)
            Hmmm...Scythers go nutso whenever they see the color red..."GET THIS PSYCHOPATHIC INSECT AWAY FROM ME!!!"  Hey, new pet for Zelgadis!  And poor Rezo wouldn't even know WHY it was attacking him.
    30.  Eerie (Ruin Explorers) and any monster only hurt by magic (AD&D)
            "If this keeps up, I'm gonna be a friggin' MOUSE for the rest of my LIFE!!!"
    31.  Neo (Matrix) and Sestren (Panzer Dragoon)
            Hack this- "Ne-rai!"
    32.  Shadow Lina, Shadow Naga (Slayers OAV) and Fam (Ruin Explorers)
            Groovy.  Far out.  Peace, man.  It's the hippie heroes!
   33.  Eve (Parasite Eve) and Strike Force Zero (White Wolf)
            I give them a month.  At most.
    34.  Valgaav (Slayers TRY) and Gar (BoF3)
            "You killed how many dragons?  DIE."
    35.  Nana, Saki, and Mio (Grandia) and Inspector Zenigata (Lupin III)
            Well, either Lupin or Justin would enjoy this one.
    36. (On the same note...)  Lupin (Lupin III) and Justin (Grandia)
            Nowhere is safe from them.
    37.  Amelia, Xelloss, (Slayers) and Mew (Pokemon) a locked room.
            Whoah-Positive Energy Overload.
            Amelia: "Oh, isn't he so CY-UUUTE?"
            Xelloss:  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    38.  Kei and Yuri (Dirty Pair) on Babylon 5 (duh)
            Yuri:  "Listen, Mr.-"
            Sheridan: "CAPTAIN!"
            Yuri: "-Captain Sheridan, I don't see what you're getting so upset at me for; we really didn't mean to blow up your space station, and besides, it was all Kei's fault-"
            Kei: "MY fault?!  You were the one who-"
    39.  The Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) in Megatokyo (Bubblegum Crisis)
            Good point: The Power Rangers would probably get torn to itty bitty shreds by a rogue Boomer.
            Bad point: The Knight Sabers would probably show and rescue them.
            (No, I do not like Power Rangers.)
    40. Amelia (Slayers) and the Sailor Scouts (Sailor Moon)
            (I'd also have acomment from Xelloss...except he wouldn't stick around to comment.)
    41.  Canal (Lost Universe) and the Enterprise (Star Trek)
            Hmmm...a moody, self-absorbed computer hologram representative  who, when she doesn't get her way, does little things like turn up gravity, try to push the captain out an airlock, or threaten to shut down life support...
    42.  Kei (Dirty Pair) and the "warp pistol" (Queen Emeraldas, Galaxy Express 999)
            Kei:  "Woo-HOOO!!! Now we're talking!"
            Yuri: "Where'd you get that?  I don't think it's legal even for a TROUBLESHOOTER to have a gun like that!"
    43.  Yuri (Dirty Pair) and Jedi training (Star Wars)
            She's already got the lightsaber...hmmm...I think we'd have a record conversion on our hands.  Picture it: The most destructive Dark Side jedi in the history of the Force, who not even other Dark Side jedi will go near...and is perpetually losing dates for one reason or another.
    44.  Tribbles (Star Trek) on Babylon 5 (guess...)
            As if the station didn't have enough resource problems already...and how much you wanna bet the little fuzzballs would vehemently dislike Morden?  (Hey, Shadow-minion detectors!  Just like what Kirk used them for!)
    45.  Lyta Alexander (Babylon 5) and a Lens (the Lesnman books)
            Okay, Lyta's made it pretty clear she could competely take over Babylon 5 with her power, and can resist any attack they try without even blinking.  Now what happens when the Vorlons' godlike experiment gets ahold of a powerful psychic amplifier like a Lens?
    46.  Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and just about any sentient Mazoku (Slayers)
            A demon that can't be hurt by physical attacks-Buff's screwed.
    47.  Angel (Buffy, Angel), Vincent (FFVII), Dias (Star Ocean 2),  and Zelgadis (Slayers)
            Or, how to get an impenetrable black cloud of gloom and depression to settle over an area.
    48.  The Knight Sabers (Bubblegum Crisis) and Iteration X (Mage:The Ascension)
            Boy, the Traditions would love this...hmm...I wonder if a suitably motivated Etherite could make a Hardsuit?
    49.  Leon (Star Ocean 2) and Rune (Phantasy Star IV)
            They could probably squash just about any enemy set in front of them...if their egos don't clash first.  (Of course, Leon is Algol's worst nightmare - an eight-year-old version of Rune.)
    50.  Shinra (FFVII) and Leon (SO2)
            Hmmm...both Leon and Shinra built a magically powered cannon capable of destroying large cities/small islands/etc....but Shina's Sister Ray covered an entire city and could only be fired ONCE, whereas Leon's Lacour Hope was the size of aHowitzer and could be fired multiple times.  Just picture what Shinra could do with Leon backing them up.
    51.  Zangalis (Slayers) and Seifer (FFVIII)
            Hooo boy, talk about your vicious duels.  And neither of them will give up!
    52.  Precis (SO2) and Fam (Ruin Explorers)
            AAAACK!  Another positive energy overload!  Anybody who gives them caffeine and/or sugar deserves to DIE.
    53.  Xelloss (Slayers) and Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth)
            Which is worse: a mysterious and powerful "ally" who always vanishes whenever you get into trouble- and often leads you into more trouble than you were in before-  that always says "Puuu!", or one that always says "That is a secret!"?
    54.  Ascott (Magic Knight Rayearth) on the Pokemon world
            This is, of course, assuming that Ascott brings his "friends" with him.
    55.  Hellmaster Phibrizo (Slayers) and Rosalyn (Calvin and Hobbes)
            If Rosalyn thought Calvin was bad - Phibby's quite literally the Babysitting Job from Hell!
    56.  Dilandau (Escaflowne) and an Eva (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
            "Oh Vaa-aaan..."
    57.  Rezo (Slayers), Washu (Tenchi), Hojo (FFVII), and Desty Nova (Battle Angel)
            I don't even want to *think* of what they'd come up with.  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
    58.  And also...Zelgadis (Slayers), Ryoko (Tenchi), Sephiroth (FFVII) - focus group
            I'd hate to be the psychologist working with *that* focus group.  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
    59.  The Guardians (BOF3) and design specs for building Flying Dragon Guymelefs (Escaflowne)
            Okay, *NOW* the Brood are screwed, worse than before.
    60.  Allen (Escaflowne) and Martina (Slayers)
            One total flirt and one person who falls in love with any guy with two legs.  Do the math.
    61.  (Or even worse...)  Allen (Escaflowne) and Carrot (Sorceress Hunters)  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
            This is personally rather frightening.  (I happen to *be* female.)
    62.  Gourry (Slayers), Mihoshi (Tenchi), and Mimi (Digimon)
            Help!  Stupidity reaching dangerous levels!
    63.   Sephiroth (FFVII) and Phibrizo (Slayers)
            Time for the good guys to run for cover.  Maybe to another planet.  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
    64.  Ash (Pokemon) in the Digiworld (Digimon)
            First time some monster-sized Ultimate shows up, Ash is toast.  Oh, and did I mention things actually *die* in the Digiworld?  (He-llooo, Skullgreymon!)
    65.  Nagi (Tenchi), Zenigata (Lupin) and Javert (Les Miserables)  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
            60 Years later...."We'll get you..."
    66.   Ryoko (Tenchi) and Lupin (Ahm, duh.)
            Fujiko has competition.
    67.  Sailor Moon (I wonder...)  and the Ginyu Force (DBZ)
            There would never actually be a battle.  Just a lot of posing and speeches.  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
    68.  Elfquest (AHEM!)  and Princess Mononoke  (I'm getting tired of this.)
            Poor, poor humans.  (Cont. by Psycofoxx)
    69.  Martina (Slayers)  and Tenchi
            I think Tenchi's going to have enough of being chased by girls.  And poor Martina...not gonna last long around Ryoko...